Section 1-B
Theories and
Concepts of International Trade
1. Theory of Absolute Advantage (Adam Smith)-
This exists when one country (country A) has a cost advantage over another
country (country B) in the production of one product – (it may be produced
using fewer resources (inputs)) while the second country (B) has a cost
advantage over the first (A) in producing the second product.
It suggests that a country should:
Export goods and services for which it is more
productive than other countries.
Import goods and services from other countries
which are more productive than it is.
Numerical Presentation:
Here, numbers are cost of production (resources), by
absolute advantage theory, trade can occur between country A & B.
Country A will give up Textile (-1) but specialize in
Rice (with 6 resources it can produce 2 rice (6/3).
Country B will give up Rice (-1) and specialize in
Textile 3 (6/2).
Presentation: Result of Trading & Specialization
net gains to the
Net gains
To the world
Note: In this
theory, trade is possible and profitable if each country has absolute advantage
in production of least one commodity. Trade will not occur if one country has
absolute advantage in both products.
2. Theory of Comparative Advantage ( David
Ricardo)- This theory states that
trade can be carried out even if one country has absolute advantage in
producing two products. Here the country benefits by specializing in exporting
the products in which it has the greatest advantage or a superior (comparative)
advantage, and import the products in which its advantage is less.
Domestic Exchange
Without Trading:
A could have only produce ⅓ rice for every textile produced (5/15) [1:33=20/15]
B could produce ½ rice for every textile produced (10/20) [2=10/5]
A specializes in textile, while country B specializes in rice. Thru trading,
country A export textile and import rice, while country B export rice and
import textile.
Absolute advantage looks at absolute productivity.
Comparative advantage looks at relative productivity.
However, Smith
& Ricardo both agree that trade is neither possible nor profitable when
there are equal differences in costs.
3. Neo Classical Trade Theory- (trade theory
of factor proportions). Economists Eli
Heckscher & Bertil Ohlin (H.O.) developed
the concept that a country will export
goods that are intensive in production in its abundant factors, and import
goods intensive in its relatively scarce factor.
Factors of Production – capital,
This H.O. theory suggests that a country
specializes in the production of goods that it is particularly suited to
Countries where capital is abundant & few
workers should specialize in capital intensive goods.
While countries were workers are abundant and
capital is scarce should specialize in labor intensive goods.
4. Balance of Payments (BOP) – there
should be equality (surplus) to payments of a country (imports, bank deposits
abroad, etc.) with what it receives.
A deficit results when more
payments are made than what it receives. To correct the imbalance investments
must be encouraged and intensify the export of goods and services. A favorable BOP would have favorable
effect on the economy and strengthen the country’s currency value.
5. Issue of Protectionism – Protectionism
are those pressures on individual governments to protect their local markets
from incursion of foreign competition in the guise of trade barriers. Trade
Barriers are restrictions on the trading of goods among countries.
Reasons Why are
there Trade Barriers:
1. Infant Industry – to protect a new and
developing industry (local).
2. Industrialization – encouragement to
industrialize and build companies (local).
3. Conservation of Natural Resources – to
protect the environment. To encourage wise use and management of valuable
natural resources.
4. National Defense – to help the nation
accumulate more crucial materials for the economic and military welfare in the
form of stockpiles, or emergency capacity to produce.
5. Dumping – international price
discrimination practice in which an exporting firm deliberately sells
merchandise at a lower price in a foreign market than it charges in other
markets, specifically & usually in its home market.
2 kinds of Dumping:
a. Predatory
dumping – when the firm discriminately, in favor of some foreign buyers
temporarily lowers its price for the purpose of eliminating competitors and
later raising its price when the competitor is trounced.
b. Persistent
dumping – dumping that goes on indefinitely.
In other words, if a country
feels that its variable costs have already been recovered with sales in the
domestic market, then it can afford to sell the products outside the country at
a lower price.
6. Retaliation
– a country will impose tariff or any trade barrier if it feels that another
country unduly puts tariffs on their products.
Types of Trade
1. Tariff – restrictions that are applied explicitly in terms of quantitative restrictions. A tax
or duty on imported goods, to protect domestic market or to raise
government revenues.
Kinds of Taxes
a. Specific
– a flat charge per physical unit.
b. Ad
Valorem – percentage of the value of the merchandise.
c. Compound
– a combination of both specific and ad valorem
– restrictions that are applied
implicitly, as in stringent standard requirements.
Kinds of non-tariff barriers
– restrictions on the amount, number of pieces, weight of goods or services
within a given period.
2 kinds
1. Import
quota – legal limit on the amount to be imported
2. Export
quota – limit of the amount to be exported.
Barriers – exchange control restrictions.
1. Blocked
Currency – used to improve a difficult balance of payment situation. It is done
by refusing to allow importers to exchange their national currency for the
seller’s currency.
Differential Exchange Rates – control and
discourage importation of goods which the government deems unnecessary. The
government requires the importer to pay different amounts of national currency
for foreign exchange with which to buy products in different classifications.
If the product is deemed necessary the government may simply charge one unit of
domestic money for one unit of foreign currency. If the product is deemed
unnecessary, the exchange may be 50 units of domestic currency for one unit of
foreign currency.
3. Government
approval to secure foreign exchange – The importer requests permission to
secure foreign exchange from a government office. This may be in form of an
exchange permit which stipulates unfavorable
exchange rates to the importer. It may also require that the amount to be
exchanged must be deposited in a bank account for a certain period prior to the
foreign exchange transaction.
– a trade embargo is the refusal to sell to a specific country (political
– the refusal to buy from a certain country.
& Administrative Entry Procedures:
1. Valuation
System – officials enforce valuation process on improved goods usually higher
than local goods.
2. Anti-Dumping
Practices – to value imported goods higher so that they will be sold higher
than local goods.
3. Tariff
Classification – imported goods are classified in such that they may fall into
a high-tariff category.
4. Documentation
Requirements – unnecessary papers or documents that may be required to make
importation difficult.
5. Fees
– fees are charged for different services that will surely boost the price of
imported goods.
6. Standards
– standards to protect the health and safety of consumers, and ensure product
7. Government
Participation in Trade:
^ Procurement Policies – the
government patronizes local products instead of imported
^ Countervailing Duties – the
government taxes imported goods which have been given
exporting subsidies by their respective
countries. To protect locally produced goods.
^ Export Subsidies – the
government provides export incentives and credits to
^ Domestic Assistance Programs
– the government assist domestic firms so that their
products may become more competitive against
imported ones.
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